Fun Days
Thank you to those who attended our recent Funday at Harry Bowie Reserve.
Congratulations to our winners.
2013 FUNDAY - Judge Paul Phillips
2012 FUNDAY - Judge Julie McCabe
Judges Linda Flegg & Hyde Holland (New Zealand)

UK Breed specialists Duncan & Susan McAllistor
The BTCSA Inc are very grateful to Susan and Duncan for accepting our Funday offer whilst holidaying in Adelaide.
Under 6 month classes

Winner Waggiest tail Sue 's pup Winner Cutest Face Spud with Lola R/U Cutest Face had to go to Mooses handler Angel
Happiest Baby Kirrily & Dora Biggest Sook BJ with Kirrily

Best baby Dog - Lola & Spud Best Baby Bitch Tiana & Dora
Over 6 month classes
Waggiest tail Grace & Duncan Highest jumper Nitro and Sharni
Best Bitch, Greediest eater & Loudest Barker - Pele with Julie
Best Dog Candice and Kaos (photo coming)
Egg Race

Fancy Dress Competition

Winner of Fancy dress Sharni and Patch with some stiff competition (pictured below)

Paris the Boxer Fairy princess Fairy
Santa Clohe Moose the bumble bee
Owner Look A Like

Winner - Candice and Sarge
Colouring In Competition
Winner Faith
2010 Members Competition

Best In show Nitro (bully) with Evie and R/U in show BJ (mini) with Tracey
Winner 3-6 months BJ & Tracey

7-12 months Nitro & Evie

1-3 years Puzzle & Evie

3-6 years Bonnie & Jason

Best Veteran Harry & Evie :)

Best Neuter Paris & Lorna
A huge thankyou to all that made this day a success!

A great day was had by all and the club had one of it's most profitable fun day's to date.
Thank you to all who helped made it happen, but mostly a huge thankyou to all who attended, without you the Fun Day's wouldn't be possible.
Last but not least a huge thankyou to Margaret Bondarenko "Starstruck Kennels" for judging.
Under 12 months

Cutest face Waggiest tail
Biggest Sook Happiest puppy
Best baby bitch Best baby dog
Ruch's - Mojo Brasshead Knls - Sarge
Adult Classes
Best Dog Best Bitch
Deb Schwarz's - Murphy Darren Wallace's - Rayzer

Waggiest Tail Greediest Eater & Loudest Barker Highest Jumper
Alan Holmes - Blade Julie Fieldhouse's - Pele Ruch's Ian

Dog/Owner Look alike Winner Fancy Dress Winner of the Egg Race
Sharni & Blonde Villano's - Paris Sam Lamley-Brown's - Indie

Bronte - Aged 11 years Sarge - Now you jump!!! Fancy Dress contestant

Under 12 months

Michael & Bandit winning Waggiest Tail (under 12 months) Maria and Chloe won Cutest Face (under 12 months)

Winner of Happiest Puppy, Lorna & Macca Winner of Biggest Sook, Tony & Jaffa

Kirrily & Sunshine winning the best behaved award Was it Jaffa or Tony that won the Worst Behaved award?
Adult Classes

Winner of the Look-a-Like competition Margaret and Lisa Greediest Eater is Carrie and Mia

Pele High Fiving to win the Best Trick Award Mary winning the highest jumper award

Wagiest Tail to Alan & Blade Worst Behaved going the Miller/Beaumont crew with Peppa

Julie and Pele winning the Most Obedient award Carrie and Mia won the Cutest Face award

Pele wins the loudest barker award (Is there anything she can't do?)
Best Fancy Dress Award going to Josh & Mary
More fantastic Fancy Dress Entry's

Honourable Mentions
Rodney the blood hound performing his dead fly routine

Sharni won the kids colouring in competition

Roger Fox presenting an award to the lads and Peppa

A huge thankyou to all you pet owners who made the day as great as it was.
Xmas Show Day 2007
Thank you to all members and their families for donating their time and effort into helping raise money for our club.
Remember, you don't need to own a bully to enjoy our "Fun Days", all breeds and all people are welcome.
The 2008 Committee members at the Annual Christmas Show.
From Left: Jason Walker, Candice Wood, Kerry King, Tracey Ruch, Carrie Burgess, Heath Richter,
Darren Ruch, Luiza Ziembicki. (Missing Sharon Carter)
(Also pictured, Kirrily Ruch in front and Shane Wood at the far back)
Dogs in the Park 2007

Dogs in the Park 2007, Carisbrooke Park, Salibury SA.

The weather held out just long enough for a lovely day, and the scenery was beautiful

The BTCSA Promotional Gear Gazebo Club Vice President Andrew Mussared was a hit on the clubs new bbq
carefully watched by "Jet" hoping for a snag.

Club Secretary Tracey Ruch joins in on the fun All dogs were very well behaved on the day

Jet looked very warm with his winter coat on in case it rained A well deserved break at the end of the day
A great time was had by all who attended the dogs in the park event.
The club managed to raise a little bit of money, and everyone went home with a full belly, a prize and a huge smile.
The winner of the event with the most correct answers were a couple with their Staffy, who went home with
some very nice bottles of wine donated from the club.